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Friday 14, 2024

By Methuselah Nyamari.

Felicity with her unusual lovers.

In a world where love knows no bounds, Massachusetts-based Felicity Kadlec has found herself in a truly unique relationship. Felicity has revealed that she is married to a six-foot male doll named Robert and is in a polyamorous relationship with him and another doll, Kelly Rossi, a female zombie doll to whom she had previously tied the knot. This unconventional family setup has captured the attention and curiosity of many, as Felicity openly shares her journey and the deep spiritual connection she feels with her dolls.

Felicity’s story began six years ago when she first “married” Kelly Rossi. The wedding ceremony, though unconventional, was a significant event for Felicity, marking the beginning of a profound bond with the zombie doll. However, love has a way of surprising us, and soon after her marriage to Kelly, Felicity encountered Robert, a towering six-foot male doll. The connection with Robert was instantaneous, and Felicity found herself head over heels for him. Despite the complexity of human emotions and societal norms, Felicity embraced her feelings and welcomed Robert into her life and her marriage.

It started here.

The concept of a polyamorous relationship, involving multiple partners where everyone consents and loves one another, is not new, but Felicity’s partners being dolls adds an extraordinary twist to the narrative. For Felicity, the dolls are more than just objects; they are companions with whom she shares a deep spiritual connection. This connection, according to Felicity, transcends the physical realm, touching the very essence of her being. She met both dolls online, where she found a community of like-minded individuals who share and understand her unique perspective on love and relationships.

Living together as a family, Felicity, Robert, and Kelly have created a home filled with love and acceptance. The trio is raising a large “family” of dolls, and Felicity refers to them as her children. Together, they have ten dolls, each with its own unique personality and story. Felicity’s home is a testament to her belief in the power of love and the importance of following one’s heart, no matter how unconventional the path may be.

Felicity’s story has sparked conversations and debates about the nature of love and the boundaries of relationships. While some may find it difficult to understand or accept her lifestyle, Felicity stands firm in her truth. She hopes that by sharing her journey, she can inspire others to embrace their own unique forms of love and connection without fear of judgment.

In today’s society, where relationships come in various forms, Felicity’s story reminds us that love is not confined to traditional definitions. It can be found in the most unexpected places and can manifest in ways that challenge our perceptions. Felicity Kadlec’s journey with Robert and Kelly Rossi is a beautiful example of how love, in its many forms, can bring joy, fulfillment, and a sense of belonging.

As Felicity continues to live her life with authenticity and courage, she invites us all to reflect on our own relationships and the ways in which we express love. Her story encourages us to look beyond societal norms and to recognize that love, in its purest form, is about connection, acceptance, and the freedom to be oneself.

In a world that is constantly evolving, Felicity Kadlec and her doll family stand as a symbol of the limitless possibilities of love. Her story is a celebration of individuality and the power of following one’s heart, no matter where it leads.

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