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In a today’s press address, Kanze Dena a former Spokesperson has shed light on the state of affairs surrounding former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s post-presidency entitlements and office arrangements. According to Dena, President Kenyatta received a gratuity of KSh48 million and continues to receive his monthly allowances along with medical cover. However, contrary to earlier claims by spokesperson Isaac Mwaura, Kenyatta is not enjoying a fully furnished and maintained office space provided by the government.

Dena revealed that the government has not renewed her contract as the Director of Communications in the Office of the Former President. She emphasized that Kenyatta’s engagements required a suitable office, which he eventually established and equipped at his own expense due to a lack of response from State House.

Furthermore, the former President was allocated two Toyota Land Cruisers, a Mercedes Benz, and a Range Rover for personal use. However, these vehicles were not new but rather part of his former motorcade. Dena noted that the government agreed on the transitional use of these cars while new vehicles were being procured in accordance with the Presidential Benefits Act. Adding to the challenges, the fuel cards provided by the government were blocked by State House in March 2023, further complicating the situation for the former President.

These revelations highlight the ongoing struggles faced by former President Uhuru Kenyatta and his team in securing the resources and support stipulated for former heads of state.

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