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Legendary actor Alphonse Makokha has finally opened up about his late wife, Purity Wambui’s, long and painful battle with cancer.

Speaking to a local media publication, Makokha revealed that Purity had been struggling with the disease for 18 years.

Makokha shared that his wife had been diagnosed with breast cancer, which led to numerous hospital visits and treatments over the years. “Shida ilikuwa breast cancer… Alikuwa anaenda chemotherapy na kuna growths ambazo zilikuwa zinatolewa,” he explained.

Despite their efforts, the last four months of her life were especially intense according to Makokha.

The day Alphonse Makokha’s wife Purity passed away, Makokha recounted the heartbreaking day his wife passed away. He had left for work and instructed his daughter to look after her mother.

“Nilikwa naenda job. I told my daughter, please take care of your mum. Kidogo sisi tukaenda lakini kabla tufike katikati ya safari ndugu yangu Hiram Mungai ‘Ondiek Nyuka Kwota’ akaniambia,” he recalled.

His friend, Hiram Mungai, who was the first to receive the news, delivered it with grace and care. “Yeye ndio aliamibiwa wa kwanza coz my daughter said utaambiaje daddy hii maneno? So wakati tulikuwa kwa safari Hiram akaniambia nisismamishe gari, tukaingia petrol station tukaitisha chai na akaniambia kuna vile mambo si poa but itakuwa poa. Akaniambia she’s no more.”

Makokha was devastated and cried for about two hours. “Nilipiga nduru watu wakafikiria nimehijakiwa. I cried for about two hours… That night was a nightmare to me,” he shared.

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