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By: Sharon Njeru.

Across Kenya, a country still struggling with geographical remoteness and a shortage of healthcare workers, technology is emerging as a powerful force for good. With the app Mobile health  (mHealth) solutions are at the forefront of this revolution, leveraging the ubiquity of mobile phones to bridge the gap in access to care.
One area where mHealth is making a significant impact is telemedicine. Platforms like MyEvercare, formerly Doctoora, allow patients in remote areas to consult with doctors and specialists virtually, reducing the need for long and often expensive journeys. This is particularly beneficial for expectant mothers and those with chronic conditions who require regular consultations.

Beyond consultations, mHealth apps are empowering Kenyans to take charge of their health. Educational apps like I-deas Health use virtual reality (VR) to educate patients about chronic diseases, while platforms like AfyaPap provide appointment reminders, medication adherence tracking, and vital sign monitoring.

The government Is also recognizing the potential of technology in healthcare. The Ministry of Health’s digitization efforts include the use of electronic medical records and handheld devices for recording and managing vaccination data. This not only improves efficiency but also ensures better data collection and disease surveillance.

Challenges, of course, remain. Ensuring equitable access to technology and bridging the digital divide in rural areas is crucial. But with continued innovation and investment, Kenya’s tech-driven healthcare revolution is poised to transform lives and improve health outcomes for millions.

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